Membership Covenant

When a person becomes a believer in Christ, they are united to Him, placed into the body of

Christ, and connected with other Christians in a unique way. Membership in a local church is an

official recognition of the spiritual reality of our union with Jesus and with one another, and the

resulting commitment to each other that should exist according to the New Testament.

The Purposes of the SCC Membership Covenant are:

1. To form a recognizable community that demonstrates the gospel of Jesus Christ through our

commitment and care for one another.

2. To state the blessings and responsibilities of each member of the body.

3. To encourage unity in our church family, as well as consistency and accountability.

*Affirmation of this covenant does not imply that you will never fall short of the goals, but it

expresses that your heart desire is to fulfill all that is written to the best of your ability by the

grace and enabling of God.


As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, purchased by His righteous blood and baptized according

to His command, we enter into a solemn covenant with one another as one body in Christ before

almighty God in response to His grace toward us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We covenant, by

the enabling power of the Holy Spirit who indwells us, the following:

We agree with the Membership Doctrinal Statement of SCC in full, affirming that it accurately

reflects the teaching of the Bible in the fundamental doctrines of the faith. We resolve to

welcome and biblically evaluate teaching from the Bible by the pastors of the church which

accords with the What We Teach statement, seeking to grow toward biblical unity in the truth. In

the event of a disagreement or uncertainty on any part of the What We Teach statement, we will

strive to maintain unity and refrain from any divisive activity.

We will pursue and maintain our personal relationship with the Lord through Bible reading,

study, and prayer. We resolve to pursue consistent fellowship with one another and participate

regularly in congregational worship for the glory of God and the well being of our souls.

We support and will participate in the mission of SCC to evangelize and make disciples of all the

nations. We will pray for and seek the salvation of our children, our families, our acquaintances,

and our community.

We will strive to manage and steward our resources for God’s purposes in the world. We will use

our time, bodies, spiritual gifts, talents, finances, and possessions for His glory, the good of our

brothers and sisters, and the spread of the gospel. To further the God-given mission of SCC, we

will give regularly, generously, joyfully, and sacrificially to the ministry of SCC.

We will pray for the church, support the church, and strive for unity in the church. We will

joyfully submit to our pastors as they faithfully serve under the authority of Jesus Christ as His


We will walk together in brotherly love, exercise an affectionate care and watchfulness over each

other and faithfully admonish and entreat one another as occasion may require. We will practice

humility in our relationships, considering one another as more important than ourselves. We will

pray for one another and serve each other in all seasons of life. We will pursue and practice

biblical peacemaking as defined by the Bible and summarized in SCC’s Commitment to

Peacemaking and Reconciliation. We will be slow to take offense and always ready for

reconciliation and forgiveness, remembering how much we have been forgiven by God. We will

fully embrace, seek to live by, and submit to the principles and processes in SCC’s Relational


We will seek, by God’s grace and power, to honor Him in our lives, to live carefully in the

world, denying ungodliness and worldly passions, pursuing self controlled, godly, holy lives as

those who have been united to Christ in His death and resurrection.

We will practice the biblical procedures of church discipline as taught by Jesus and explained in

SCC’s Commitment to Accountability and Church Discipline, and submit ourselves to it if the

need should ever arise.

We will submit to the Scriptures as the sole authority and final arbiter on all issues.

When we move from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where

we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.

We will attend important member’s meetings when they occur so that we are aware of what is

going on at SCC and able to participate in what God is doing in and through the church.

By God’s grace, I will strive to consider my commitment to the Membership Covenant on a

yearly basis. I understand that it is an evaluative tool, as well as an affirmation of my continuing

conviction and purpose. My responsibility will be to notify SCC’s leadership if at any time I can

no longer commit to this covenant, or if I have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be

with us all. Amen.