Youth Ministry
"We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done." (Psalm 78:4)
“The Herd”
Teenagers are a vital part of our church family and we want to do all we can to see them come to a saving knowledge of Christ and spend the rest of their lives living for his glory. We desire to give them the opportunity to learn for themselves the truth about who God is, to grow in spiritual maturity as followers of Jesus, and to serve Jesus by loving his church and sharing his Gospel with others.
To this end, our church has an active and growing youth ministry that we would love for you and your teenagers (7-12 grade) to be a part of. Here are the things we do together regularly:
Student Bible Class
The Student Bible Class takes place at the church on Sunday Mornings from 9-10am, where we dive into the serious study of the Bible together, currently working through The Gospel Project curriculum.
Youth Group
Every Tuesday evening from 7-9pm, students from 7-12th grade meet at the church to play games, hang out, pray, and study the Bible together. Youth Group is a time for students to connect with one another, encourage one another, and search the Bible to see how the truth of God’s Word addresses the issues of daily life.
Activities & Events
To grow in relationships with one another and put to use the things we are learning from God’s Word, we like to get together regularly to get to know one another better, reach out to our friends, have fun and do group service projects. If you would like to be added to the youth group email list to be kept up to date regarding our youth events, please contact Alex Board (our Student Ministry Director) and he will add you to the list.
***For more information about anything related to our youth ministry, contact Alex.