
The Centrality of Jesus Christ, God the Son

The focal point of our ministry will always be the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of all who will believe, was buried, raised from the dead, and now is exalted to the right hand of God the Father. He is the founder and head of the church and his Spirit lives in those who receive Him.

The Inerrancy and Sufficiency of Scripture

The authority for our ministry comes from the Word of God as we submit ourselves to its teaching, commit ourselves to do what it says, and yield our lives to become what Christ desires for us to be.

Scripture contains all the words of God that we need for salvation, for trusting him perfectly, and for obeying him perfectly.

The Importance of Expositional Preaching & Teaching

“Expositional” Bible preaching and teaching is that which seeks to proclaim truth about God and his Gospel and instruct believers in the ways of Christ, by explaining (or expositing) the God-intended meaning of the Bible. A commitment to expositional preaching and teaching leads the church to a true knowledge of God which accords with his own personal revelation of himself in Scripture.

The Centrality of a Biblical Philosophy of Ministry

The church is the Bride of Christ under the Lordship of Jesus Himself. As such, the church is to conduct itself according to the principles and practices defined in Scripture.

The Undergirding of Prayer

All that we do must have the thorough undergirding of our individual and corporate prayer support, depending on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in our ministry.

A Missions and Evangelism Emphasis

The conviction that God will one day judge the living and the dead, and that Jesus is the only way of salvation, leads us to pursue vigorous means of proclaiming the gospel by sending our members to take the message to all those who need to hear, both locally and to the ends of the earth.

An Environment of Grace and Forgiveness

Convinced of the absolute sovereignty of a Holy God, we understand that nothing good happens in our ministry apart from His grace, which is the desire and ability to accomplish God’s will. Consequently, our ministry together must be characterized by that same grace in our response to one another.

The Accountability of Small Groups

Maturity and integrity in the lives and ministries of our members requires that we provide a context for discipleship and accountability relationships. As such, we give high priority to the development of small groups where that can take place.

The Importance of Family

Recognizing that one of the greatest training grounds and battlefields of our faith in Christ is right within the home, we are committed to strengthening the spiritual lives of families as they seek to train their children and become beacons of light for Christ within our community.

The Significance of Humble Servanthood

Our ministry is built upon the assumption that there is no task, no responsibility, beneath any of our members so that we undertake every ministry with a humble heart, grateful for the privilege of serving Christ and His body.

Every Believer Involved in Ministry

Each believer has been gifted by God and commissioned by Christ to serve Him. Unbelievers are dependent on believers, and believers are mutually dependent on each other, for this service. Pastors are to motivate and equip the church to do the work of ministry.

An Emphasis on Faithfulness

We are called to be faithful in our service to God, one another, and the world; allowing the Lord to determine the level of fruitfulness we are to enjoy.

A Willingness to Change and Innovate

It is our intent that Shepherd's Community Church will grow and mature as our ministry develops. Therefore, we must be committed to change and willing to innovate so that we do not place any barriers to growth in our way to becoming the body of believers Christ wants us to be.

However, our innovation always remains within the purposes and plans given in scripture, and rejects the vain philosophies and empty wisdom of man.