Topics and Books
- 1 Corinthians 7
- 1 John 4
- 1 Peter 2
- 1 Thessalonians 1
- 1 Timothy 24
- 1 Timothy: Building a Faithful Church 23
- 2 Corinthians 2
- 2 Thessalonians 1
- A Light Has Dawned: Hopeful Meditations on Isaiah 9:1-7 5
- Abiding in Christ 1
- Abortion 1
- Abraham 2
- Access to God 3
- Acts 4
- Adoption 2
- Advent 12
- Anthropology 2
- Anxiety 4
- Apostacy 1
- Assurance 5
- Assurance of Salvation 1
- Atonement 1
- Authority of Christ 1
- Baptism 2
- Baptism Sunday Sermons 1
- Bethlehem 1
- Biblical Canon 1
- Biblical Grammar 1
- Biblical Translation 1
- Biblical Warnings 1
- Blessing 2
- Blessings of Marriage 1
- Book Study 1
- COVID-19 Devotionals 17
- COVID-19 Sermons 15
- Christ 9
- Christ's Birth 1
- Christ's High Priesthood 1
- Christ's Incarnation 1
- Christ's Return 5
- Christ's Righteousness 1
- Christ's Sacrifice 2
- Christian Freedom 1
- Christian Living 2
- Christmas 7
- Church 1
- Church Beginnings 1
- Church Definition 1
- Church Doctrine 17
- Church Government 1
Rejoicing in the Forgiving God
In Psalm 32, David teaches us about the goodness of God's forgiveness and the need to willingly confess our sins to God.
Resolving Conflict During the Shutdown - Part 3 (Confession)
What do you do when your sin has been exposed? What makes a proper confession of sin? Zach deals with these questions in this video, using Ken Sande's "7 A's of Confession" (from his bookThe Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide for Resolving Personal Conflict) as a guide.