Topics and Books
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- 1 Thessalonians 1
- 1 Timothy 24
- 1 Timothy: Building a Faithful Church 23
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- 2 Thessalonians 1
- A Light Has Dawned: Hopeful Meditations on Isaiah 9:1-7 5
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Marriage, Singleness, & Sexuality: Conflict Resolution in Marriage
This week we will be looking at what God's word teaches us about how to resolve the inevitable conflicts that arise in marriage in a God-honoring way.
Resolving Conflict During the Shutdown - Part 4 (Forgiveness)
In this video, Zach address the topic of forgiveness. What is forgiveness? When is forgiveness necessary? How do we become more forgiving people? Here Zach draws wisdom from Scripture and looks to a helpful book on biblical conflict resolution (The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict by Ken Sande) to explain what forgiveness is and how we can get better at extending it to others.
Resolving Conflict During the Shutdown - Part 3 (Confession)
What do you do when your sin has been exposed? What makes a proper confession of sin? Zach deals with these questions in this video, using Ken Sande's "7 A's of Confession" (from his bookThe Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide for Resolving Personal Conflict) as a guide.
Resolving Conflict During the Shutdown - Part 2 (Confrontation)
In this video, Zach works through a second important aspect of biblical conflict resolution - that of confrontation. What is confrontation, biblically speaking? When should you bear with someone and when should you confront them? How should you confront someone, when the time comes for you to do so? Knowing when and how to confront others in sin is a critically important aspect of resolving conflict in God's way.
Resolving Conflict During the Shutdown - Part 1 (Forbearance)
In a fallen world, conflict in our relationships is inevitable. But during the current shutdown, conflict at home is especially likely. In this video, Zach begins to work through the first of four critical aspects of resolving conflict biblically; namely the practice of forbearance.