Topics and Books
- 1 Corinthians 7
- 1 John 4
- 1 Peter 2
- 1 Thessalonians 1
- 1 Timothy 24
- 1 Timothy: Building a Faithful Church 23
- 2 Corinthians 2
- 2 Thessalonians 1
- A Light Has Dawned: Hopeful Meditations on Isaiah 9:1-7 5
- Abiding in Christ 1
- Abortion 1
- Abraham 2
- Access to God 3
- Acts 4
- Adoption 2
- Advent 12
- Anthropology 2
- Anxiety 4
- Apostacy 1
- Assurance 5
- Assurance of Salvation 1
- Atonement 1
- Authority of Christ 1
- Baptism 2
- Baptism Sunday Sermons 1
- Bethlehem 1
- Biblical Canon 1
- Biblical Grammar 1
- Biblical Translation 1
- Biblical Warnings 1
- Blessing 2
- Blessings of Marriage 1
- Book Study 1
- COVID-19 Devotionals 17
- COVID-19 Sermons 15
- Christ 9
- Christ's Birth 1
- Christ's High Priesthood 1
- Christ's Incarnation 1
- Christ's Return 5
- Christ's Righteousness 1
- Christ's Sacrifice 2
- Christian Freedom 1
- Christian Living 2
- Christmas 7
- Church 1
- Church Beginnings 1
- Church Definition 1
- Church Doctrine 17
- Church Government 1
Hoping in the Lord Who Reigns
This exposition of Psalm 146 will concentrate on the nature and object of Christian hope, and the way it should affect our lives in this present age.
Enjoying & Pursuing Spiritual Unity
This exposition of Psalm 133 will explore the blessing of spiritual unity.
Keeping God & Eternity in View
This exposition of Psalm 73 will concentrate on the reality and way to deal with doubt and discouragement in the Christian life.
Casting Your Burden on the Lord
This exposition of Psalm 55 will explore the way that prayer expresses and leads to the provision of our need for God.
Dealing with Spiritual Depression
This exposition will explore the nature, causes, and way through spiritual depression - acknowledging it as a common condition in the Christian life.
Rejoicing in the Forgiving God
In Psalm 32, David teaches us about the goodness of God's forgiveness and the need to willingly confess our sins to God.
Trusting the Good Shepherd
This exposition will focus on the widely loved 23rd Psalm, and the Lord's faithful leadership and provision for his people as their good shepherd.
Learning to Love the God Who Speaks
This second exposition of the Life of Faith in the Psalms series will focus on a Christian's relationship with God's revelation in creation and Scripture.
Taking Refuge in the Son
This sermon on Psalm 2 will focus on the urgent need to take refuge in Christ. It helps the listener answer the question: What are you doing with Jesus?
What do you have to praise God for?
This exposition of Psalm 103 will focus upon the way to cultivate heartfelt, wholehearted, joyful praise to God.
How Satisfied Are You?
A look at true satisfaction and where it comes from according to Psalm 90:14.
Questions & Answers (Part 1)
Pastor Zach responds to 3 questions submitted from the congregation in part 1 of this Questions & Answers series.
Joy and Contentment in Scarcity and Abundance
Pastor Kyle shares some additional passages that tie in with last Sunday's sermon, and finding joy and contentment in any situation.
Psalm 90: Eternal Wisdom for Mortal Hearts
Taking a brief survey of Psalm 90 and how we can apply it to our lives right now.
Encouragement from Psalm 1
Here, Zach offers some thoughts from Psalm 1, which gives us a timely word regarding how to experience the blessing of God's favorable presence in circumstances of all kinds, including coronavirus shutdowns. By digging into God's Word, we can all grow spiritually and bear good fruit during these interesting times.
The Frailty of Life and the Providence of God
As we face the beginnings of this Corona Virus epidemic, Pastor Zach discusses how we might respond.