
Sunday Service Zach Putthoff Sunday Service Zach Putthoff

The Meaning & Importance of Baptism

"This Lord's Day sermon will provide an overview of the ordinance of baptism and our church's teaching regarding it. Here are the questions we will seek to answer together from Scripture:

- What is baptism?

- Who should be baptized?

- Is baptism necessary for salvation?

- What are the blessings of baptism?

- What should I do if I desire to be baptized? "

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Sunday Service Zach Putthoff Sunday Service Zach Putthoff

To the Comfortable Christ-less Church

In this final sermon on the 7 letters of Christ to his churches in Revelation 2-3, we'll seek to hear what the Spirit says to us as he speaks to the comfortable and Christ-less church of Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-22. What sort of church keeps Jesus on the outside looking in (see v. 20)?

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Sunday Service Zach Putthoff Sunday Service Zach Putthoff

To the Weak Beloved Church

The sixth letter of Christ to his churches in Revelation 2-3 is the most encouraging letter by far. In it, Christ encourages and expresses his love for the weak but faithful church of ancient Philadelphia. In this sermon, we will explore what can learn from the way Christ speaks to this church in Revelation 3:7-13, and how we can become more like this church.

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Sunday Service Zach Putthoff Sunday Service Zach Putthoff

To the Vibrant Lifeless Church

In this sermon, we'll dig into the sobering words of Christ to a church that looks very alive on the outside, but is very much dead on the inside. Revelation 3:1-6 is a letter to a vibrant [but] lifeless church, with convicting words that every Christian needs to hear.

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Sunday Service Zach Putthoff Sunday Service Zach Putthoff

To the Courageous Compromising Church

In Christ's third letter to the churches of Revelation 2-3, we will seek to hear and learn from what the Spirit says to the courageous (yet) compromising church in Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-17). What can we learn from a church that was standing strong against the external pressures of the culture, while caving into the internal pressures of sin and temptation? We'll explore that in this sermon.

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Sunday Service Zach Putthoff Sunday Service Zach Putthoff

To the Troubled Suffering Church

This Lord's Day we will hear and work through Christ's letter to the struggling church in Smyrna. We'll consider the sufferings they were enduring and the way Christ encourages them, and then spend some time applying the passage to our current circumstances as a church.

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Sunday Service Zach Putthoff Sunday Service Zach Putthoff

To The Loveless Orthodox Church

In this sermon, we will kick off a new mini-series on Christ's letters to his churches in Revelation 2-3. In this first letter (Revelation 2:1-7), we'll see consider what Christ has to say to the church in Ephesus, a church much like our own. We'll meditate on the danger of a loveless orthodoxy and hear what Christ has to say to a church that has fallen prey to this danger.

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