Topics and Books
- 1 Corinthians 7
- 1 John 4
- 1 Peter 2
- 1 Thessalonians 1
- 1 Timothy 24
- 1 Timothy: Building a Faithful Church 23
- 2 Corinthians 2
- 2 Thessalonians 1
- A Light Has Dawned: Hopeful Meditations on Isaiah 9:1-7 5
- Abiding in Christ 1
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- Access to God 3
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- Assurance of Salvation 1
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- COVID-19 Devotionals 17
- COVID-19 Sermons 15
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- Christ's Incarnation 1
- Christ's Return 5
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Who Will See the Kingdom? (Part 2)
In this sermon we return to John 3:1-21, to explore what God requires of us to live with him forever in his eternal kingdom. This week we consider the meaning and necessity of believing in Jesus for salvation.
Who Will See the Kingdom? (Part 1)
Who will live with God forever? Is a question that all of us should take seriously, and scripture gives us the answer. In this sermon we begin to walk through John 3:1-21, one of Jesus’ most intense evangelistic encounters recorded in the Gospels, which directly lays out the chief requirements for living with God in His eternal kingdom. In part 1 we focus on the necessity of the ‘new birth’ and the meaning of Jesus’ words, “You must be born again”.
The End of the Matter (Part 1)
In Ecclesiastes 12, "the Preacher" brings us to the end of his teaching about the purpose of life in this fallen world.
Life & Its Creaturely Limits
What are the secrets to living a truly abundant life? In Ecclesiastes 11 "the Preacher" teaches us how to live life to the full. Some of what he says may sound like advice you've heard elsewhere, but much of it will certainly not.
Foolishness is the Problem
In Ecclesiastes 10, through a string of seemingly disjointed proverbs, 'the Preacher' teaches us about foolishness and its consequences. In this sermon, we explore what foolishness, where we see it in the world (and ourselves) today, and how to avoid it.
What to Expect from Life
Continuing our series in Ecclesiastes, this sermon considers what "the Preacher" says in Ecclesiastes 9:1-18 about what we can realistically expect from this life. What he says in this passage may not make you feel better, but it will help you live better.
Dealing with Injustice
Injustice is an inevitable reality in this fallen world. This sermon based on Ecclesiastes 8:1-17 explores 4 ways to deal with injustice in a way that honors God.
Wisdom is Better than Ease
Digging into Ecclesiastes 7:1-29, we learn that getting wisdom in the difficulties of life is far better than merely trying to escape those difficulties. This sermon focuses on 5 ways to gain wisdom.
Trading Joy for More
Looking at Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12, Zach considers the way our need for "more" stands in the way of true joy.
How to Engage with God
This week Pastor Zach teaches us from Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 focusing on the right way to engage with God in worship.
Surviving a Broken World
Pastor Zach teaches from Ecclesiastes 4 and sheds light on how we ought to live and survive in light of the brokenness of the world we live in.
This Uncontrollable Life
Teaching on how we can respond in worship to God even when faced with the uncontrollable circumstances in life.
Suffering, Sin, and the Resurrection
Pastor Zach reflects on the resurrection of Christ on this Easter Sunday and how we ought to respond to suffering and sin in light of the resurrection.
Ecclesiastes: In Search of Contentment
Pastor Zach shares the importance of putting first things first in light of the teachings from Ecclesiastes 2:1-26.
Fearing GOD in a Fallen World
As we continue time being isolated at home Pastor Zach reflects on the teachings from Ecclesiastes 1:1-18.
God's Good Invisible Hand
Lessons from the book of Esther in light of recent COVID-19 events.
The Frailty of Life and the Providence of God
As we face the beginnings of this Corona Virus epidemic, Pastor Zach discusses how we might respond.
Men & Women in a Faithful Church (Pt 1)
Pastor Zach continues our study of 1 Timothy and begins the examination of the roles of men and women within a faithful church.
A Faithfully Inclusive Church
Pastor Zach continues our study of 1 Timothy as he discusses the concept of a faithfully inclusive church.