Topics and Books
- 1 Corinthians 7
- 1 John 4
- 1 Peter 2
- 1 Thessalonians 1
- 1 Timothy 24
- 1 Timothy: Building a Faithful Church 23
- 2 Corinthians 2
- 2 Thessalonians 1
- A Light Has Dawned: Hopeful Meditations on Isaiah 9:1-7 5
- Abiding in Christ 1
- Abortion 1
- Abraham 2
- Access to God 3
- Acts 4
- Adoption 2
- Advent 12
- Anthropology 2
- Anxiety 4
- Apostacy 1
- Assurance 5
- Assurance of Salvation 1
- Atonement 1
- Authority of Christ 1
- Baptism 2
- Baptism Sunday Sermons 1
- Bethlehem 1
- Biblical Canon 1
- Biblical Grammar 1
- Biblical Translation 1
- Biblical Warnings 1
- Blessing 2
- Blessings of Marriage 1
- Book Study 1
- COVID-19 Devotionals 17
- COVID-19 Sermons 15
- Christ 9
- Christ's Birth 1
- Christ's High Priesthood 1
- Christ's Incarnation 1
- Christ's Return 5
- Christ's Righteousness 1
- Christ's Sacrifice 2
- Christian Freedom 1
- Christian Living 2
- Christmas 7
- Church 1
- Church Beginnings 1
- Church Definition 1
- Church Doctrine 17
- Church Government 1
God is Unchangeable
This exposition will focus on God's unchangeable essence and how it teaches us to trust him always.
God is Perfect
This sermon explores several ways in which the perfection of God is unfolded for us in Scripture, helping us see how different God is from us so that we might see ourselves clearly in the light of his perfection.
God is Incomprehensible
This first sermon in a series on the attributes of God will focus on God's incomprehensibility and how it should shape the way we live and relate to God.
Why You Should Trust in Jesus
Looking at Jesus' words in Matthew 12:38-41, we will reflect upon the greatest evidence Jesus provides that we should trust in him as our only Savior and Lord.
The Fountain Thirsts
As we gather together this Good Friday in remembrance of the sacrifice of Christ Pastor Zach will walk us through an exposition of John 19:28-30.
Gaining the World & Losing Your Soul
Genesis 36 is a summary of the prosperity and legacy of Esau that teaches us about the greatest blessings and privileges man can receive from God.
The Already & the Not Yet
This exposition of Genesis 35:16-29 will focus on how we should think about our lives as God's people in this world, while we journey on to our eternal home.
The Devotion God Deserves from Us
In this exposition, we return to Genesis 35:1-15 to learn about the kind of devotion God deserves from us.
The God Who Deserves Our Devotion
In Genesis 35:1-15, Jacob devotes himself exclusively to YHWH, in response to YHWH’s grace and faithfulness to him. In the same way, we ought to devote ourselves exclusively to God; in response to God’s grace and faithfulness to us. This exposition will focus on the God who deserves our devotion.
The World in Which We Live
In this exposition of the raw and grisly 34th chapter of Genesis, we will seek to learn what God teaches us about the world in which we live as his people.
God's Invincible Promises
In the long-awaited encounter between Jacob and Esau, God keeps his promises to Jacob in surprising and gracious ways. This exposition will focus on the invincible nature of the saving promises of God.
Wrestling with God
This exposition will focus upon Jacob's famous wrestling match with a mystery man whom he later identifies as God, and the lessons it teaches all of God's people today.
God is With Us
As Jacob prepares to meet Esau, he looks to God to preserve him and his family according to his covenant faithfulness. This exposition of Genesis 32:1-21 will focus on the truth of God's presence with his people in their trials.
Following a Faithful God
In Genesis 31, God commands Jacob to return with his family back to the land of Canaan. This exposition will focus upon what it means to follow our faithful God in this fallen world.
The Blessings of God
This exposition of Genesis 30:25-43 will give attention to the way God’s blessings come to sinners and what sorts of blessings we ought to value and desire the most.
The Sludge of Sin & the Faithfulness of God
This exposition of Genesis will focus upon the faithfulness of God in spite of the sins of his covenant people.
God Provides and Disciplines
Our exposition of Genesis 29:1-30 will focus on the providence and faithful discipline that God gives to his covenant people.
What do you have to praise God for?
This exposition of Psalm 103 will focus upon the way to cultivate heartfelt, wholehearted, joyful praise to God.
Prophet, Priest, and King
This sermon will explore the significance of Jesus Christ as our great prophet, priest, and king.
The Hypostatic Union
This sermon will seek to explain the meaning and importance of the doctrine of the hypostatic union, showing the glory of Jesus and what makes him such a capable and sufficient Savior.